
Dirty Thirty Shopping

People think getting older means you get fat and can’t wear the same things. At times that is totally the case, but, there’s more… Getting older means you can’t run around barefoot all day; apparently. You’ll get heel spurs, metatarsalgia (pain in your arch), plantar fasciitis (flattening of the foot causing mini tears), Achilles pain, […]

Turning 30

Today I turn 30. There is something about 30 that makes most people really reevaluate their lives. At 30 you are somewhat expected to have everything put together. You are expected to know what you want to do for a living, have a house of your own, have the child bearing process going, and more. […]

Preserving Garlic

I am Spanish so I use garlic in everything. Anything savory there will be garlic. Not just one clove. No way. Three is my minimum and more depending on the dish. Garlic is delicious and has great health benefits. So the more garlic the merrier ! List of Garlic Benefits Boosts Immune System: A study […]

The Secret of the Sun

Morning routines may be important and at times hectic. However, something even more important should happen if time permits. A Sun Stroll. First thing in the morning, after kids go to school or before you go to work, go for a walk. Walk clear uninterrupted with no device. No music?! Yes. No music. Motherhood can […]